This is turning into a long run blog. This past week included my very first track workout. I'm actually so inexperienced that I'm not sure that's the correct term. I wasn't wearing spikes or anything, but I went to the local school track and did 4X 800 and 4X 400. Unfortunately I did not gain any speed at the weekly 5k race, two days later. I did not expect to and also did not expect to be so disappointed at slowing down. This will not affect the Grand Prix standings at all.
Incidental to the track work out was the discovery that my spreadsheet pace calculator, for my Runners World marathon training plan, was completely wrong and my paces were actually much slower. The marathon training thing is becoming hard to find confidence in due to all this bologna. Life intrudes and invites me to odd ball running opportunities. I ran to work this week after dropping my car off for service. That was good for 7.5 miles at 7:30 pace, my MGP.
In any case, it is time for another long run. The last one was just plain too hilly. I know that. I also know that I need a good four hour workout of sorts. That would involve 20+ miles on brutal terrain. What can I do but compromise? Mapped out this Trail Mix course, road - trail - road - trail - road, 22 miles and 3500 feet of climbing. There's plenty of flat in it, despite being twice as hilly as the last long run!
2025 Colchester Half Marathon
17 hours ago