Current Training Status: not blogging... running.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Thursday's Group run took to the roads, as the
reservoir was too poor. Eight of us did almost 8
miles in less than an hour in the neighborhoods south
of Ashley. I logged this in Trailrunner with no
problem. Previous long routes would not save after 15
minutes of clicking, pain in the rear. Now it's
working out and I may be able to post something
directlly to this blog, don't know. It would be ideal
as that is where everything is mapped and one function
of this blog should be to share prospective run

Since Coolrunning's log was usurped by the Active
morons, I've plugged into
where all the ultra runners from the Ultra/Trail
thread went. That is the 'Extreme Running' thread.
The activity there is mostly ultra folks way out of my
league, but my personal interests and accomplishments
are extreme in their own way so I feel comfortable
there. Heck, I may stumble through an ultra this
year anyhow, even though I posted as a goal that I
wouldn't. I said I wouldn't do it 'impulsively'. So
I may plan to. I declared Morefun Wapack and
Escarpment, and a couple marathon goals. That is wise
progress for myself while doing the Mountain thing

Goals and Direction are developing nicely and this
blog feels purposeful, a journal beyond simple run
logging. My brain is awake once again, something to
note. The unsung odyssey through Art School crops
into my runs after long absence. My interests are
migrating with something more than seasonal drift.
The new year is hopeful and I'm almost... driven?
Not yet. The sun did wake and all hell broke loose,
multiple shooters. Godcosm energy is rippling and
discipline will be the key if this keeps up. God save us.

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